Message From the Desk of Principal

I take this opportunity to share with you some important features of our institutions. It was started in 2013 by Subodh Giri who wanted to fulfill educational needs of local community.

Institution has consistently made long strides in every field, be its education, cultural activities, sports, community development initiations and has made itself visible at the state level educational scenario with a distinct identity, It has constantly expanded itself, The Alumni of the college and parents of the students have been important contributing stake holders in our efforts for expansion, growth and quality enhancement, we have also stated B.Ed course. so that we could nurture devoted teacher for the area.

We have kept intact the community development sprit of our founder and pioneers and have put in place several schemes for keeping the students of the deprived section of the society. The teacher assumes the role of mentor, quides, friends, & patrons and provides the student’s special need based support and counseling.

We invite you to be a member of this extending, aware & active vast family i.e. making a significant contribution in every field of public domain. I can say with confidences & conviction, we are not only an institution; we are a mission & vision focused on community development.